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We want you to be prepared.

Whether you are coming in for a six-month cleaning or are returning to the dentist for the first time in years, it’s helpful to know what to expect before you come in for your visit.

What will your first appointment be like?

It’s just the way it should be.

Every patient is different and so are their dental goals.
That’s why Dr. Truong meets with every patient.
She doesn’t want to tell you what to do. She is going to give you options and, together, as a team, you will decide what is the best treatment care plan.

Crosspoint Care Plan

The Crosspoint Care Plan is a three-pronged process of working with each patient, one-on-one, to build a strategy together.


Oftentimes it’s not about teeth, but what you want in your life. So we talk about what you want and what your dental goals are.


After our first meeting, we will take a tour of your mouth together and identify anything that is of concern for us before we discuss your options.


There is more than one way to solve a problem, and everyone wants to solve it differently. Together, we will take our findings and the options we discussed to build a strategy that will help you reach your dental goals and help you achieve good health.


Paying for your Treatment

We get it. Dental procedures can be expensive. But it is important to look at your treatment not as something you have to pay for, but as an investment towards your health and wellbeing.

We are ready to work with you to build a payment plan that can incorporate your dental insurance, financing options, and out-of-pocket payments that can be phased over your treatment.

Have questions about what your dental insurance may cover? Let us know and we will have Michelle take a look and see what you are eligible for.

Financing with Care Credit

Care Credit offers promotional financing for 6 or 12 months. For treatments that exceed $200, payments can be phased over 24, 36, or 48 months.

Simply click the Care Credit button below and follow the steps. There is even a Payment Calculator to help you figure out what to add to your monthly budget.

Care Credit

Ready to book an appointment?

Call us at 716-639-5900 to book your first appointment or fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you.

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