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Dr. Truong tells it the way it should be.

Nylon splints for grinding teeth at night
Nylon splints for grinding teeth at nightDental Phobia

Nylon splints for grinding teeth at night

Protect your smile comfortably! Many patients grind and clench their teeth, which can lead to…
Introducing the Pain Eraser by Synapse
Introducing the Pain Eraser by SynapseDental Phobia

Introducing the Pain Eraser by Synapse

Pain-free dental cleanings? Yes, please! We know many patients avoid dental cleanings because of fear…
Say goodbye to dental anxiety!
Say goodbye to dental anxiety!Dental Care

Say goodbye to dental anxiety!

Say goodbye to dental anxiety! We know that fear of the dental office comes in…
Waiting Room Phobia
Waiting Room PhobiaDental Phobia

Waiting Room Phobia

For patients with dental phobia, the very idea of a dentist's office can be anxiety-provoking.…
Why is flossing so important?
Why is flossing so important?Dental Care

Why is flossing so important?

Why is flossing so important? Brushing your teeth twice a day is great, but plaque…